
Our House in Moosthenning
Wir ersetzen das klassische Pflegeheim.
Entdecken Sie ein Zuhause in unserem Pflegewohnpark Viertel4 Moosthenning, hier vereinen wir Wohnen, ambulante Pflege & Tagespflege unter einem Dach.
Nursing is facing great challenges: For the future, there are signs of an increasing care bottleneck with declining standards and increased pressure on specialised staff. What is needed now are innovative and financially viable models for a future- and needs-oriented life and living in old age. The legislator has recently laid the foundations for this with the Care Strengthening Act I-III. And we are building on it: by rethinking "care". With our model project "Viertel4".
„The Viertel4 stands for a completely new, needs-oriented form of living as an alternative to the nursing home."
With us, senior citizens live with everything as individually and self-determined as they would like and are still able to in their own four walls. They receive care and support absolutely in line with their needs and with foresight; always with the aim of keeping them fit and independent for as long as possible. In doing so, they are supported by various service and care providers who exchange ideas in a collegial manner and together ensure "all-round care". Quality, trust and relationships develop by themselves. Our project is evaluated and accompanied by the University of Applied Sciences in Munich. Thanks to well thought-out financing, the model is affordable for really all social classes.
8o residential units divided into:
- 8 two-room flats with approx. 67 square metres incl. barrier-free bathroom and storage area
- 72 one-room flats with approx. 35 square metres incl. barrier-free/wheelchair-accessible bathroom and storage area
- 4 day care groups with around 350 square metres each
- Ambulant care service
Eine Kooperation der WPH Einrichtungen Bayern
Verwaltungs GmbH & Servicehaus Sonnenhalde MSG GmbH
Servicehaus Sonnenhalde Pflegeservice Moosthenning GmbH
Tundinger Straße 5
84164 Moosthenning
Telefon 08731-50997-0
Zuzahlung im Viertel4 in Moosthenning:
3.500,00 € (Stand: 6/2024)