Consulting for...
Living well in old age
Free and non-binding advice for you or your relatives. Old age is worth living. As the counselling team of the Servicehaus Sonnenhalde, we would like to talk to you about your very own path into old age. We advise you on any questions you may have about the challenges of old age and show you possible solutions:
• specially for your current life situation
• Independent of our products or services
• Free of charge and also at your home.
Our advisory team answers your questions
Age is beautiful, but sometimes you can't manage well on your own.
Counselling helps to clarify many questions:
• Who will support me in my old age?
• How do care levels work?
• Who can I talk to about this?
• What support do I get from the long-term care insurance fund?
• How do I finance this?
Our advice is your advice
Because we cannot know what kind of support you need or want, the counselling interview with you is so important to us. Based on this conversation, we will find the right form of support for you, individually and according to your needs.

Kommen Sie auf uns zu, mit all Ihren Fragen rund um das Alter
We want to have a conversation with you. Because we want to help you feel at home in your old age.
Beratungsteam 07129 / 93 79-0